Remington College’s x射线技术医疗协助(范围有限) diploma program was designed to help prepare you for a career within the healthcare industry.* This diploma program offers classroom instruction as well as h和s-on lab 和 clinical experiences. Study limited X-Ray procedures, medical insurance 和 coding, patient billing, 和 more.
X-ray technology is more than just looking at the structure 和 shape of bones; it is an important way to see inside of the human body 和 to assist in the diagnosis of diseases, 条件, 或伤害. 通过在PG电子平台的x射线课程中提供的实践培训, you can participate in both classroom 和 laboratory study of limited X-ray procedures. You’ll have the opportunity to learn how to apply your medical assisting skills to correctly operate x-ray equipment, 位置的病人, 并对其内部结构进行x光扫描. 可能需要国家认证/执照. 这个程序不应该与x射线技师程序混淆.
16% 2021年至2031年的增长预测
快得多 高于所有职业的平均水平
医疗助理的主要雇主, 包括那些接受过有限范围x光训练的人, 可能包括医生办公室, 医院, 诊所, 以及其他医疗机构.
当你走进PG电子游戏联盟城的大门, TX大学, 你会发现这里充满了团队合作和鼓励的氛围. We’re tuned in to the Houston area’s healthcare 和 technological industries 和 we care about our students 和 graduates.
The x射线技术医疗协助(范围有限) 文凭项目 provides training in administrative 和 clinical procedures, 包括有限的放射照相. The objective of this Program is to prepare graduates for entry-level positions such as medical assistant, 医疗行政助理, 或医院等工作场所的临床医疗助理, 诊所, 养老院, 医疗用品业务, 家庭健康机构. 该计划可能导致入门级职位,如有限的x射线技术人员.
全日制学生完成课程通常需要12个月. The Program is divided into 12 monthly academic periods (modules) comprised of 11 months of classroom 和 laboratory instruction 和 one externship period.
The x射线技术医疗协助(范围有限) diploma program at Remington College offers training in the administrative tasks that happen in a medical office. 它还涵盖了与帮助患者相关的关键任务, along with the clinical lab 和 limited X-ray procedures that you may be asked to help with.
通过讲座, 实验室, 临床训练, 以及现场实习培训, our x射线技术医疗协助(范围有限) diploma program is designed to prepare you with a basic underst和ing of routine medical office tasks 和 procedures, including taking X-rays (Additional requirements 和 certain restrictions may apply). Being certified or licensed may also help you to move ahead in this field 和 may be required by medical boards or health departments in several states.